Busy Bees on Social Media
We have been very busy creating daily content to share with the world. We want to take the time to thank those that faithfully follow us, like our posts/videos and comment on them. We receive many messages, emails and responses on our posts/videos from those that have questions about Jesus and how to be saved. We are happy to answer these and help those who want to know more about Jesus Christ and what he did for them.
You have been a big part of reaching these people. When you interact with us it tells the algorithms on these social media platforms that we are active and have good content. It's a little more complicated than that but that's a quick run down.
Thank you for being a part of Sharing the Gospel with the world! If you aren't following us you can find us on Youtube, TikTok, Instagram and Facebook. We share links at the bottom of our website page where you can quickly connect with us on those platforms.