• The Rock Texarkana

    Ὁ Κύριος παρέξει ✨ (Ho Kyrios parexei) – "The Lord will provide."

    The Rock Texarkana is a project the Lord laid on my heart, and by His grace and in His perfect timing, I believe He will bring it to pass through CrossHouse Ministries.

    For More Information 
  • Church Services - 2 now on Sundays and Wednesdays

    We now stream both services live now on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.

    On Sundays church service begins at 11am CST and on Wednesday nights at 7 pm CST.

    Go Watch Live On YouTube 
  • Creating videos and content to Share Jesus

    Follow to see content in pictures and videos that share bible verses and short messages about all things Jesus Christ. Many videos are created to be under 90 seconds to reach more people and to be able to be posted across all platforms.

    Search for "ChristianTalkNow" on Youtube, Instagram, and TikTok and "Crosshouse Ministries" on Facebook.

  • Audio Podcasts of Reading the Bible in Psalms and Proverbs

    We are adding in chapters as often as possible. There are 10 min videos of about 3 chapters uploaded as often as possible. Psalms has 30 chapters now and Proverbs we just started. All can be found on YouTube in the playlist "Bible Reading."

    Go To ChristianTalkNow Youtube 
  • picture that says we started having church services

    We started having Church Services

    Started a YouTube Channel, this is where all Sunday sermons are uploaded and some other short bible message videos.

    Come subscribe, it's free and you can get notified when a new video is uploaded!

  • Creating videos and content to Share Jesus

    Follow to see content in pictures and videos that share bible verses and short messages about all things Jesus Christ. Many videos are created to be under 90 seconds to reach more people and to be able to be posted across all platforms.

    Search for "ChristianTalkNow" on Youtube, Instagram, and TikTok.

  • Covid may have closed the store but never stopped the work of God

    We had to close for a few months during Covid but during that time we were still busy helping out where we could.

    Through donations received we put together care packages that were dropped off at many of our local nursing homes.

  • Newspaper Articles

    This is one of a few articles that were written up about our store.

    We were blessed to have a reporter who would come by and ask "What are you up to now?" I think he secretly watched what we were doing. LOL.

  • picture of the Are you strong enough Youth Event

    Are you strong enough? Youth Event

    This was another God ordained event. I am still amazed to this day about how it all came about. We saw roughly 400-500 families come out during that 4 hour period to receive free games, free food and lots of gift cards. The most important part of the event was when Brother and Evangelist Ryan Keel preached a message to the people. Him and his beautiful wife, Sister Nichole were a huge blessing to us and helped us out a lot.

  • picture of the games that were brought in for Youth Event

    Focus on Teens at the Youth Event

    We had lots of games brought in from Dallas with a focus on teens. While the games, food, and gifts were amazing, the best part of it all, the Gospel of Jesus Christ was preached. Evangelist Ryan Keel and his precious wife, Sister Nichole swooped in and helped us by being on the mic the whole day. Thankful to them and Brother Bobby Hall and his friends. Great things happen when we all get together and help one another. 

  • Helping Homeless and Others in Need

    This guy was a regular in the back of the store. He would come and pickup whatever I left out at the end of the day. This is him pointing up showing his thankfulness. 

  • Thank You Note

    This is the same guy you see in the picture beside this one. He wrote a note on the back of the door. Yes on the back of the door of the store. It blessed us abundantly to see it. 

  • Another thank you note

    This thank you note was left by the guy on the right of this picture. I would put little bags of food out every single night and that is what he had in his hand.

  • Picking up food, clothes or whatever I put out the back

    This gentleman left the note you see on the left of this picture. You can see it on the steps of the back door to my store, Crosshouse Thrift. I miss these days.

  • Nursing Homes receive care packages during Covid

    During Covid we received donations and also donated items ourselves to local nursing homes. In these care packages we put in things like hand sanitizers, masks, games, puzzles and more!

  • Delivering care packages

    My children and I drove around delivering the care packages to the local nursing homes.

  • Christmas Joy

    Christmas Joy program where we provided the food for a Christmas dinner. Turkey, stuffing, gravy, potatoes, vegetables and more. Little goodie bags with tracts were included as well.

  • Gifts for the children and teens

    Gifts for all the children up to 18 years old were provided. Did you know most programs that help with Christmas leave out the teens? Teens are included in Christmas Joy.

  • Christmas Joy boxes full of toys

    More pictures of the boxes that each individual family received. They didn't get just one present, every child received a few.

  • Christmas Joy boxes

    It's a joy to be able to provide help to struggling families at Christmas time. That's why the program is called Christmas Joy. We hope that Christmas is a happier time with the help they receive and we get to share Jesus with them!

  • The Before Picture

    This is what the store looked before it was transformed into Crosshouse Thrift.

  • The After Picture

    This was a move of God right here. Never did I ever want to own a thrift store but I believed God said to do it, so I did. He changed me here in so many different ways. It was life changing.

  • The Banner at the Checkout

    This wasn't orginially planned but just like everything else in the store it appeared or at least that's how it felt to me. It was placed by God at the checkout of the store. I have never seen this at any other store in any other place ever. I know it was God. I saw people take pictures of it and many would read it as they were standing waiting to be checked out.

  • The Kid's Corner, in the store

    The Kids Corner, where kids could play, while parents shopped. Many elderly people or spouses would sit and wait in the comfort of the Kid's Corner and watch the tv. Everyday we would put preaching on, or Christian music and even on occasion Christmas movies. This was a great way to Share the Gospel!

  • Everyday he would come

    This guy I will never, ever forget. Almost every day around 11:30 he would come in the store and sit down and ask my son to please play his song. His song was "I am redeemed" by Big Daddy Weave. He would just sit there exactly like this and sing. God Bless you Joe.

  • Having Fun

    My children having fun and making memories. They were able to see first hand how we helped people in the store and outside of the store.